Allerdale Borough Council

Allerdale is a great place to live, work and visit. A borough of great contrast, it comprises three distinct areas. There is the urban triangle of Cockermouth, Maryport and Workington, where most of the population is based. There are also the dispersed hill farms, forests, mountains and lakes of the Lake District National Park and the rural and fertile Solway Plain, which stretches north towards Carlisle.

The Council agreed a new Council Plan on 4 March 2015. The Plan sets out the Council's key priorities between 2015-19.

The Plan, which will be reviewed and updated annually, has five key themes. They are: 

  • Tackling inequality
  • Strengthening our economy
  • Enhancing our towns
  • Improving health and well-being
  • Creating a sustainable business

The Plan commits the Council to help and support people in a number of ways. These include: promoting safe and affordable sources of credit; working to create more affordable housing; helping people get the skills and education they need for the jobs market; protecting and promoting health and well-being; and providing access to quality leisure and cultural activities.

It also outlines how the Council will encourage business growth through the Allerdale Investment Partnership and improving the infrastructure of the area. The Council will seek to support the development of renewable energy, encourage tourism and ensure the vibrancy and attractiveness of our town centres. 

The Council will also become a more sustainable business by reviewing and improving the way it provides services, improving its procurement practices, and becoming more efficient and effective through the investment in ICT. It will continue to provide the high quality front-line services which residents and visitors expect.  

It has been devised following several months of consultation with partners and the public in order to discover the key issues and challenges faced by the borough.
