The Council
Denbighshire County Council is a forward thinking, innovative Council, working towards the vision of a thriving county, for individuals and communities alike, whilst also playing a leading role in the wider region and Wales as a Nation. Our vision is being achieved through strong leadership and high quality customer service at all levels.
Supported by a multi-million pound leisure investment over the past seven years, a growing economy and thriving tourism trade, Denbighshire is the place to live, visit and do business. Our culture is one of high performance and progression, with staff and services encouraged to push barriers and given the confidence to take risks.
The Council prides itself on its ‘can do’ culture and has a strong track record of working with partners in the public and private sectors to deliver exciting and effective projects, including world class culture and leisure facilities, and both commercial and residential development schemes
Aim: An Excellent Council, Close to its Community
Values: Pride, Unity, Respect, Integrity
Principles: High Performance, Transparency, Accountability