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While receiving an interview offer can be exciting, being forced to reschedule can be daunting for many job-seekers. While some view it as a misstep, if handled professionally with a clear explanation, it’s often understood by employers. Preparation and good communication are key. Here’s how to reschedule your interview effectively. Contact the interviewer/employer ASAP As soon as you know you need to reschedule, contact the employer...
There’s nothing wrong with taking take a career break for various reasons, but it’s important to know how to discuss these issues when dealing with potential employers in job interviews. Depending on the length of your break, the interviewer may inquire about the reasons behind it. Career gaps can occur for various reasons, such as illness, redundancy, parenthood, or caregiving, but whatever your reason, it’s wise to prepare your...
Engineering is a realm where innovation meets real-world challenges, where problem-solving prowess is as essential as technical proficiency. When embarking on a new journey within a company’s engineering team, it’s imperative to delve deep into the projects and challenges awaiting you. An interview isn’t just an opportunity for the company to evaluate you—it’s equally a chance for you to assess whether the company’s engineering ethos aligns...
As the demand for engineering talent continues to grow, many employees are focused on ensuring their current firm or potential employer prioritises integrity, transparency, and social responsibility. In this post, we’ll explore strategies to ensure you’re working for an ethical employer. Research company values Before accepting a job offer, take the time to thoroughly research the company’s mission, vision, and values. Companies with a...
Starting a new engineering job is an exciting and challenging time. The first few weeks are crucial for setting the tone of your tenure and making a positive impression on your colleagues and supervisors. Here are some key strategies to help you hit the ground running and stand out from day one. Understand the company culture Every company has its unique culture and understanding it is essential for your success. Take time to observe...
The interview process for building engineers can be intimidating, particularly when trying to anticipate every question posed. However, one inquiry often takes candidates by surprise. Simple, well-worn, and notably vague, "Tell me about yourself" presents candidates with a crucial opportunity to make a strong initial impression or falter from the start. Crafting a compelling response requires strategy and self-awareness. First and...
A CV is the first impression you give to your potential next employer. It needs to be clear, concise and honest, and getting these key aspects into your CV are essential to your application process. The built environment still remains as one of the most in-demand sectors in the United Kingdom, meaning there is lots of opportunities for potential roles for you as an employee, and lots of employers to impress with your CV. An effective...
With the press stuffed full of stories about ChatGPT, it seems the new artificial intelligence tool can do just about anything short of washing your clothes. But can it help you land the perfect building engineer job? Read on to find out.      ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organisation. Its team designed and trained the model using a combination of techniques including deep learning, natural language...
Why you should polish up your social media accounts when applying for building engineer jobs, as employers may check them in the screening process.  It seems that a well-written CV and covering letter is not enough to earn a new position these days, and if your social presence online contains anything inappropriate it could hinder your chances of getting the role. A study by CareerBuilder found that seven in 10 employers have used...
When preparing for an interview for that job you’ve set your heart on, there’s one question that crops up time and again: “Tell me a bit about yourself”. Although this question seems straightforward, it catches out candidates time and again. We will discuss how you can tackle this question to impress your interviewer. It might be tempting to speak about your life history, but what the interviewer is looking for is how your skills and...
Polishing your CV can ensure you’ll get your foot in the door for that new role you’ve been coveting.  Getting personal  Your CV filename should contain ‘Your name – Job you are applying for – Date‘ so that it is easy for potential employers to find and file. At the top of your CV put your full name, then your location and contact details. You don't need write ‘CURRICULUM VITAE’ in 15-point type across the top – we know it’s a CV, and...
A cover letter is as likely to be an email these days – but however you send that (often fiendishly difficult to write) accompaniment to your CV, make sure it shines. It has as crucial a role in getting your foot in the door as your CV itself. So why do some applicants give them so little thought or, as many hiring managers will testify, don’t even bother writing one at all?  A well written cover letter, according to one hiring manager,...